Perhaps no one would have believed that one day, marketing was going to focus its concern on the health of the consumers as well as being geared towards sales and profits. The dynamism, fierce competition, and the increasing concern about the environment and also the governments’ rules and regulations and the consumers’ awareness about this issue were all contributing factors for the company to contemplate on the physical and mental health of the individuals and the clean environment. Concepts like Green Marketing, Environmental and Social Marketing gradually entered into the literature of marketing in order to fulfill its social responsibilities. In this article, we have initially attempted to describe what we mean by Social Responsibility, and to explain its relation to green marketing. In the second step, we have explained a closer look at the issues of living environment, green marketing. Finally, we use the above mentioned social responsibility, and the concepts as tools in implementing the green marketing concept in some of Iran’s industries.
کلید واژگان :Green Marketing, Green Consumer, Social Responsibility, Living Environment, Government Rules and Regulations
ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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