فروشگاه آنلاین دکتر کریم اسگندری - جزییات محصول Study of the Relationship between Productivity Pragmatics and Quality of Working Life in Particle Board Industry in Golestan Pro

نام کالا :
Study of the Relationship between Productivity Pragmatics and Quality of Working Life in Particle Board Industry in Golestan Pro
دسته بندی :
قیمت :
40,000 ریال
سازنده محصول :
Applied Mathematics in Engineering, Management and Technology
کلمات کلیدی :
Labor productivity, total productivity, quality of working life, time.
توضیحات :
This study was aimed to investigate and identify components of productivity and its relationship with quality of working life in the particle board industry in Golestan province. This research was performed as descriptive, surveying and correlational. After studying research literature and background, components and factors affecting productivity and quality of working life in chipboard industry were extracted and then chipboard industry was provided using the interview and documents of based on preliminary framework of the components extracted from the theoretical foundations. Statistical community of this study included all employees of particle board industry which were 360. Sample included employees of particle board industry in which sample size was determined using Kristy - Morgan table.