چکیده :

"Development" means making people`s living standards more satisfactory, and these days this is many countries` disturbance worry. The study of urban network gives us the awareness about how human overcome their exchanging and connecting obstacles in a certain geographical areas, and how and depending upon what data can they operate their regional and economical engines, and in spite of the plurality of cities` role in the network, how can they set up and arrange their complicated connection in the area to this end that this system makes their life more satisfactory. The method of this research is descriptive- analytical. So, the point-plotting model is used to determine the form of urban network in this province in the basis of economical thresholds and borders of cities in this province. Then we use synthetic development index to determine the permanent urban development of province in regions (or counties) of province which are under the authority of main cities of network. In this research, we use library and cartography method to collect data. Statistical society of this research is 51cities of province Mazandaran specially 21cities in the center of it. Some results of this research are: province Mazandaran doesn’t have a single urban network (sector network in the east and linear network in the west), there is unequal degree of permanent urban development in this province, approximately cities in linear network are in high level of development and cities in sector network are in undeveloped and deprived area, undeveloped and deprived regions (counties) of province have a high percentage of urbanity, according to the points which separate Sari from counties` center, the urban network of province brings about improvement by equitable and timely transition of course (in linear network), and brings about creation of undeveloped and underdeveloped or deprived regions by untimely colonial transition of course and …… .

کلید واژگان :

Urban network, Rgional Development, Commercial Threshold, Development, Mazandaran

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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