Endurance Time (ET) method is a recently developed response-history based analysis procedure for seismic assessment and structural design in which structures are subjected to a predesigned intensifying excitation function, and their performance is evaluated based on their response at different excitation levels. Generating efficient excitation functions, which is essential for functionality of the method, leads to a complex large-scale optimization problem. In this paper, the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy (CMA-ES), which has found many applications in solving continuous optimization problems, is employed to produce the excitation functions. The results reveal the good performance of the algorithm in generating ET excitation functions (ETEF) with reasonable accuracy and time efficiency.
کلید واژگان :Endurance time method, seismic response history analysis, intensifying excitation function, the covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy
ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
با پرداخت الکترونیک
جزئیات مقاله
- کد شناسه : 1143368516170073
- سال انتشار : 2012
- نوع مقاله : پذیرفته شده در مجلات Scopus ,ISI با 4>IF>
- زبان : انگلیسی
- محل پذیرش : Iranian Journal of Science and Technology: Transactions of Civil Engineering
- IF مجله : 0.550
- ISSN : 2228-6160
- تاریخ ثبت : 1394/03/17 18:22:41
- ثبت کننده : محسن کلاته آهنی
- تعداد بازدید : 340
- تعداد فروش : 0