نوع همکاری : همکار
کارفرما : مدیریت پژوهشی دانشگاه صنعتی خاتم الانبیاء بهبهان
سال طرح : 1393
مشاهده سایر طرح های گرشاسب ریگی
This study involves in vitro androgenesis of Zea mays L. via anther culture. In the first experiment, three embryo induction media were tested in ETH-M82 genotype of maize. The results showed that the embryo structures were established 2 to 3 weeks after culturing the anthers. The effect of induction medium was significant for embryo frequencies. The obtained results confirm that the induction medium is one of the major supplements that support the development of anthers finalized either to embryo. IMSS medium with 22.4 embryo like structure (ELs)/replication was better than other medium and N6 medium had low production of embryos. In the second experiment, the analysis of variance showed that the percentage of normal regenerated plants was remarkably influenced by using whatman filter paper on regeneration medium (YPNAS).The use of whatman filter paper on the surface of regeneration medium had substantial increased normal plant production. In fact, the percentage of normal plants was 38% more in the presence of whatman paper on plant regeneration medium. In general, considering the morphology, such in vitro normal regenerated plants were very similar to maize seedlings. Such success in producing normal plants in maize anther culture by using whatman paper has not been reported yet.