مقطع : دکتری
دانشگاه : تربیت مدرس
تاریخ دفاع : 1393/10/13
اساتید راهنما : دکتر اسدالله کرد نائیج
اساتید مشاور : دکتر لطف الله فروزنده- دکتر علی اصغر فانی
اساتید داور : دکتر اضغر مشبکی- دکتر محمد حسن مبارکی
مشاهده سایر پایان نامه های محسن ابراهیمی
Designing a model of Knowledge based on Entrepreneurial Government in Iran Abstract In recent years, more than any other time in the public sector, changes have been made. Also, according to the rapid changes in the private sector and understanding of the fact that the public sector performance and management impact on the private sector economy and national competitiveness, change in the public sector has become binding. In this circumstance, the presence of governments is necessary that respond to their own people and offer a variety of options and services to them. However, many governments despite having sufficient resources cannot meet their financial needs, because they have no entrepreneurial approach. Accordingly, the present study is conducted with the approach of Ground the Theory and with the aim of evaluating and clarify the role of the entrepreneur knowledge based government and identifying the factors affecting it in order to develop a comprehensive model of the entrepreneur government. This study is done by using of a mix of qualitative – quantitative research methods; so that first the qualitative research method (Data based theory analysis strategy) and then, quantitative research method (survey strategy) are used. The model of this study is a hierarchic- functional model and is clarified and implemented at the 7-levels of the contextual factors, functions of the knowledge based entrepreneur government, the fundamentals of the knowledge based economy, confounding factors, macro strategies and material and spiritual achievements and the negative consequences of lack of knowledge based entrepreneurial government. In order to analyze data, the structural equation modeling (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) are used. Results showed a significant effect of the functions of the knowledge based entrepreneur government on the fundamentals of the knowledge based economy and also, the contextual factors had significant effect on the micro strategies, functions of the knowledge based entrepreneur government and the fundamentals of the knowledge based economy. Moreover, the material and spiritual achievements of the entrepreneur government were confirmed. Keywords: Entrepreneur Government, Knowledge Based Economy, Micro Strategies, Ground Theory