مقطع : کارشناسی ارشد
دانشگاه : علوم و تحقیقات
تاریخ دفاع : 1387/06/15
اساتید راهنما : محمدرضا حمیدی زاده
اساتید مشاور : رضا نجف بیگی
اساتید داور :
مشاهده سایر پایان نامه های علیرضا احمدی ندوشن
In This Research, Obstacles and Course of Action for Accessing Tacit ‎Knowledge and Compiling it to Organizational Knowledge has been Studied. ‎Knowledge Workers Working in Units : Planning and Management ‎Information, Research and Development, Process Engineering and General ‎Engineering in Operational Complexes of National Petrochemical Company ‎that are About 7944 have Formed Population of Research. Base of Stratified ‎Random Sampling, 65 Person of 13 Operational Complex have Chosen as ‎Sample. For Gathering Necessary Data, a Questionnaire Consist of 3 ‎Section (Respondent¢s Individual Specification, Tacit Knowledge and ‎Intelligence) Arranged and after Opinion Poll of University and Industrial ‎Experts and Assurance of Validity and Reliability, was used.‎ ‎ This Research was going to Find the Answers for Two Questions as ‎follows:‎ ‎1.What are Uneffective Approaches to Access Tacit Knowledge of Stuffs?‎ ‎2.How we can Convert Tacit Knowledge to Organizational Knowledge?‎ ‎ Two Research¢s Hypothesis were as Follows:‎ ‎1.Leraning-Deepening Model is the way to Capture Tacit Knowledge.‎ ‎2.Coaching has Good Harmony with National Petrochemical Company for ‎Gaining Tacit Knowledge.‎ ‎ Regression Test has used for studying Relationship between Learning-‎Deepening Model and Intelligence. We have used Binomial Test in order to ‎Explanation Situation of Component and T-Test for studying Significant ‎Difference Between Component and so Friedman Test for Determining ‎Priority of Them.‎ ‎ After Data Analysis with SPSS and Benefiting from Descriptive and ‎Inferential Statistics, Accuracy of first Hypothesis Approved. Research¢s ‎Result Show that all Approaches of Model are Effective. Determining ‎Priority with Friedman Test, Result to Rejecting Second Hypothesis. Other ‎Results Showed a Significant Relationship Between Kind of Intelligence and ‎Learning-Deepening Model.‎