مقطع : دکتری
دانشگاه : UTM
تاریخ دفاع : 2014/12/30
اساتید راهنما : Dr. Hashim Fauzy Bin Yaccob
اساتید مشاور : Dr. Ishak Mad Shah
اساتید داور :
مشاهده سایر پایان نامه های حسن جرفی
The purpose of this study is to investigate the emotional intelligence in regard to communication climate and job satisfaction. This study examines the relationship between emotional intelligence, communication climate, and job satisfaction in a group of education departments. Seven provinces of staff in Iran were surveyed. Instruments for measuring emotional intelligence as an independent variable, communication climate as a mediator, job satisfaction as a dependent, and motivational factors as a moderator variable will be used. Bar-On EQ-I, CC, JDI, and MF for measuring Emotional Intelligence, Communication Climate, Job Satisfaction, and Motivational Factors, respectively. The purpose behind the instruments is discussed in detail, the method for correlating these measures will be shown to give an overall measure of the relationship between emotional intelligence and job satisfaction, and this is then discussed in detail. The main contribution in this study is to investigate motivational factors as a moderator variable for relationship of emotional intelligence with communication climate as well as communication climate with job satisfaction. The study indicates that this is an original undertaking, and, as such; it is hoped that this study will motivate an extensive range of professionals, from school psychologists; to educators, therapists, counselors, school counselors, and staff. In addition, SPSS and SEM will be used to analysis the hypotheses.