مقطع : کارشناسی ارشد
دانشگاه : ارومیه
تاریخ دفاع : 1389/11/08
اساتید راهنما : میرمحمد کاشف
اساتید مشاور : فاطمه سادات حسینی
اساتید داور : مهرداد محرم زاده- نرمین غنی زاده حصار
مشاهده سایر پایان نامه های یوسف منگشتی جونی
Abstract The purpose of this research is studying the correlation between self-control and personality characteristics and of Iran's men referees of football premier league in 1390. This research is descriptive-correlative and regarding its type it was done in extensive way. The research materials consist of two questionnaire: one is the the Aizank personality questionnaire with validity of 84% and the other is professor Tanjini and his colleagues' self-control questionnaire with validity of 78%, which is based on Likert's five-values scale. The subjects of the research whose number are 90 include all the referees of premier league in 1390. Data were analyzed by Pierson and Speirman correlative coefficiency in the meaningful level of P<0/05. The results suggest that there is positive and meaningful correlation between self-control of Iran's premier league referees, their extrovert personality features and their experience. Also self-control has a negative and meaningful correlation with introvertism and no correlation with educational state and age of referees. Based on the concluded output of this research; the more football premier league's referees have extrovert personality characteristics and experience, the better they can control themselves in the matches. Key words: personality characteristics, self-control, football premier league