مقطع : کارشناسی ارشد
دانشگاه : دانشگاه تهران
تاریخ دفاع : 1392/06/31
اساتید راهنما : دکتر ابوالقاسم عربیون
اساتید مشاور : دکتر مرتضی اکبری
اساتید داور : دکتر طیبه نیک رفتار
مشاهده سایر پایان نامه های الهه براری
Today world is the era of knowledge and information and having appropriate information is power. Desirable information seeking behavior is the way to empower the societies in various fields. This research aims to identification and analysis of information seeking behavior of entrepreneurs in medicinal plants industry. This is descriptive and correlational research and a mixed methods reserarch (qualitative- quantitative) is used in this study. Semi-structured interviews used for collecting qualitative data, and Atlas software is used for quantitative data analysis. In the case of quantitative analysis, a sample of 140 entrepreneurs in the Medicinal Plants Industry were selected randomly in Tehran Province, Iran. A questionnaire developed by the researchers for this study and in the field of psychological characteristics used Scherer self-efficacy (1982), Eisenberg extraversion and conscientiousness (2000) questionnaires. The reliability of the questionnaire was measured by Cronbach`s alpha and content validity of the questionnaire by experts and construct validity by confirmatory factor analysis was confirmed. For data analysis, it was used the SPSS 20 and Lisrel 8.50 and to answer the research questions, the researcher used of the independent T-test, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation and regression analysis and the coefficients of variation. The analysis have shown that products presented in the exhibition is the most important source used by entrepreneurs, Also there is a significant relationship between extraversion and information seeking behavior and the information seeking skills has highest influence information seeking behavior of entrepreneurs in medicinal plants industry.