مقطع : کارشناسی ارشد
دانشگاه : دانشگاه ازاد واحد علوم تحقیقات تهران
تاریخ دفاع : 1392/mm/dd
اساتید راهنما : دکتر مجید منجمی
اساتید مشاور : دکتر کریم زارع
اساتید داور :
مشاهده سایر پایان نامه های حوریا سید حسینی قهه
According to the results of electric potential and total energy, greatest stability was considered for the complex of amino acids Methionine and Cysteine with nanotube carbon in RHF level by Sto-3g series of basic is obtained, while the lowest was found for Alanine and Glycine. Results showed that to thermodynamic definitions of energy, more the energy is negative, it is more stable and thus is more efficient for participate in the process of translation. In addition to, carbon nanotube 7/0/3 Compared with carbon nanotube 6/0/3 have more stable energy and potential difference in nanotube carbon-amino acid complex showed better performance in the transition. In this study the effect of temperature on the complex of amino acids- nanotube carbon 6/0/3 and 7/0/3 was investigated. For this purpose, molecular mechanics computation has been done at MM+ force field and the Monte Carlo method. The results of these calculations showed that the performance of nano- tubes 7/0/3 is better than carbon nanotube 6/0/3 as a carrier for amino acids transportation ,because the average range of variation were lower in different temperatures and shows more stability. Keywords: amino acids, SWNT, tRNA, dielectric constant, solvent effect, temperature Author: Hooria Seyedhosseini Ghaheh ١١