The objective of this study was to compare the serum mineral concentrations of blood taken from jugular, mammary, and coccygeal veins. Eighty-seven Holstein– Friesian cows and heifers were used to determine serum concentrations of calcium (Ca), inorganic phosphorus (IP), and magnesium (Mg). Cows were bled from three and heifers from two veins at one occasion. The studied cows were consisted of high production dairy cows, dry cows, and heifers. Statistical analysis of these serum biochemical values was evaluated with analysis of variance test. Serum Ca concentrations of mammary vein were significantly lower than jugular vein in all groups (P=0.0033) and high production cows (P=0.0002). Serum IP concentrations of jugular vein in all groups were significantly lower than IP serum concentrations of coccygeal vein (P=0.0001) and mammary vein (P=0.0026). Comparison of different groups defined that serum IP concentrations of jugular vein in high production cows (P=0.0019) and heifers (P=0.0088) were significantly lower than coccygeal vein. In addition, serum IP concentrations of jugular vein in dry cows were significantly lower than coccygeal (P=0.0077) and mamma-ry veins (P=0.0061). Statistical analysis did not reveal any significant difference between serum Mg concentrations of different veins in all or each groups (P>0.05).
کلید واژگان :Calcium.Cow.Magnesium. Phosphorus. Venipuncture
ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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