چکیده :

Social work in workplace is one of the area in which the social worker extend their skill and expertness in helping personnel managers in the industry directly and organizational development indirectly, by intervening the employee management. The workplace generates social capital in three broad ways. First, the job is where people build to trust relationships based on mutual assistance. Second, workplaces act as recruiting grounds for individuals and community organizations that are building social capital outside the office or factory walls. Third, employers contribute as organizations – by sponsoring volunteer teams, by donating money to worthy causes, and by instituting “work-life” programs to make it easier for employees to meet family and community obligations. Here there are four principles to re-engaging roles of social work to build social capital in workplace: 1- Bridge occupational divides 2- “Legitimize” social capital from the top, 3- Make social capital pay and 4- Boost the civic potential of the “New Workforce”. At last occupational social work aims to ensure the life satisfaction, safety, optimum working capacity and the well-being of the working population. They consider not only the individual but also the individual in his/her working environment.

کلید واژگان :

Social Work, Social Capital, Occupation, Workplace

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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