چکیده :

The Asiatic cheetah (Acinaryx jubatus venaticus) is an endangered species that only remains in the wild in Iran. Dareh Anjir wildlife refuge in central Iran is one of the best and the most secure habitats for this species. This study used the MAXENT method to study data from 2011 to 2013 to determine the suitability of habitat and specify factors affecting the presence of cheetahs. Environmental variables used in modeling were: height layers, slope, prey distribution (Gazella bennettii, Ovis orientalis, Capra aegagrus), distance to water resources, vegetation, distance to villages, distance to roads (asphalt, unpaved), distance to mines, and distance to railways. The results show that the most important factor affecting the presence of the cheetah is distance-to-water-resources. The parameters of prey distribution and level of vegetation were identified as the most effective factors for determining a plan to preserve and predict desirable areas for the presence of cheetahs. These predictions indicate that central and southeastern portions of Dareh Anjir wildlife refuge are the most suitable for the cheetah. The results of this study can be

کلید واژگان :

Acinonyx jubatus venaticu, Habitat Desirability, Dareh Anjir Wildlife Refuge, MaxEnt, Maximum Entropy

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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