چکیده :

Uncontrolled exploitation of groundwater and surface water resources due to an imbalance in the total harvest and supply, leading to a decrease in the water level at faster rate. In order set a balance between extraction and water recharge, the main ways include improved management of water resources, implementation of demand management policies, increasing irrigation efficiency and rising water supply. According to that between farmers' income and sustainability in farm that dependent on surface water and groundwater there are exchanged, it is essential that by mathematical models should be studied of the effects of surface water and groundwater withdrawals from the income of farmers and sustainable use. So, the purpose of this study is extraction management of surface water and groundwater with mathematical programming model in Rudbar County. Variation in cropping pattern under different scenarios (35, 55 and 75 percent water efficiency) compared with present cropping pattern. The results of optimum cropping pattern for surface water and groundwater use in first scenario (35 percent water efficiency) showed that between four main crop (rice, wheat, barley and peas), the crops that needs for less water causes to rise farmers income. Also results of linear programming of groundwater showed that with increasing irrigation efficiency rise gross income of optimum cropping pattern. While for surface waters increasing irrigation efficiency don’t effect of optimum cropping pattern.

کلید واژگان :

Cropping Pattern, Mathematical Programming, Deficit Irrigation Strategy, Rudbar County

ارزش ریالی : 100000 ریال
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