چکیده :

Most of the researches developed for single response and multi response optimization problems are based on the normality assumption of responses, while this assumption does not necessarily hold in real situations. In the real world processes, each product can contain correlated responses which follow different distributions. For instance, multivariate non-normal responses, multi-attribute responses or in some cases mixed continuous-discrete responses. In this paper a new approach is presented based on multivariate process capability index and NORTA inverse transformation for multi response optimization problem with mixed continuous-discrete responses. In the proposed approach, assuming distribution function of the responses is known in advance based on historical data; first we transform the multivariate mixed continuous-discrete responses using NORTA inverse transformation to obtain multivariate normal distributed responses. Then the multivariate process capability index is computed in each treatment. Finally, for determining the optimum treatment, the geometric mean value of multivariate Process Capability Index (PCI) is computed for each factor level and the most capable levels are selected as the optimum setting. The performance of the proposed method is verified through a real case study in a plastic molding process as well as simulation studies with numerical examples.

کلید واژگان :

Multi response optimization; Non-normal responses; NORTA inverse transformation; Multivariate process capability index.

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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