چکیده :

Adverse effects on environment as a result of human activities, especially in industrial sector reveal the special importance of environmental considerations in design, implementation, deployment, and operation of industrial and construction projects has great importance. In the meanwhile, oil industry requires particular attention due to its key role in the national economy and international trades as well as realising numerous pollutants from crude oil extraction and production to refinement and consumption of oil products. Analyses of oil and industrial activities in Assaluyeh indicate that petroleum effluent, noise pollution caused by industrial and oil activities, incineration of separated gases in flares, crude oil transportation, non-compliance with environmental laws, etc. are the most important issues of the region that cause the pollution of sea water, soil, air and its subsequent consequences. To control and eliminate the harmful effects of oil and industrial activities in the region, it is necessary to observe environmental considerations in all aspects of oil and industrial activities. While investigating environmental pollution caused by oil and industrial activities in Assaloye, the present study reviews the relevant international and national laws and regulations to examine their effectiveness in control and prevention of the pollution. At the end, some recommendations are provided to improve the present laws and regulations.

کلید واژگان :

Assaluyeh, Environmental law, Environmental Pollution, Oil and Industrial Activities, Regulations

ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
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