چکیده :

Since the creation of architecture; geometry has been used in buildings' form and space; and though space was perceived through geometry. Geometry is seen in general appearance, elements and aesthetics characteristics of architecture; and using architectural ornaments is an important aspect of Islamic architecture. Investigating the geometry dependent to architectural ornaments in historic city of Babol, is the purpose of this article. In this paper, which is an application of qualitative research using participatory methods, documentation and field observation and harvest practices, a combination of descriptive and historical research has been done to shape the structural paradigm. This essay introduces the basic concepts of vernacular architecture such as axis, equilibrium, symmetry and rhythm; and modifies them as significant factors for ordering elevations' inscriptions in the studied area. The result is classifying architectural ornaments of elevations and passes based on materials; analyzing geometrical function of inscriptions; and investigating the role of geometry in formation of architectural ornaments.

کلید واژگان :

Panjshanbe-Bazar Vernacular architecture Geometry Architectural ornaments

ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
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