It is well established that the heavy oil components including asphaltenes and resins play vital roles on 46 the interfacial tension (IFT) of acidic crude oil (ACO) and aqueous solutions. Therefore, this experimental 47 work is designed to investigate the possible synergism between salt ions, resin, and asphaltene on the IFT 48 of ACO/low and high salinity brines containing MgCl2/NaCl and CaCl2. The results demonstrate that a 49 complex ion of MgCl2 – resin component created in the solution could occupy the sites at the interface 50 at high MgCl2 concentration. However, the results show that on the contrary, the molecular arrangement 51 of MgCl2 and asphaltene at low and high MgCl2 concentration could be broken as the CaCl2 is able to 52 hackle the molecular management due to the high affinity of Ca 53 2+ to asphaltene molecules compared to that of Mg 54 2+.
کلید واژگان :IFT, Resin, Asphaltene, Ion, Acidic crude oil
ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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