چکیده :

The lives of human communities need the special requirements with regard to different time and place circumstances; and the lack of attention to this important issue will make basic and challenging crises for communities. The emergence of comprehensive and effective world, called the cyberspace, is one of the circumstances of human life in current era. Due to the unique characteristics such as the diversity and fascination, the cyberspace easily passes the impervious geographical borders and resides in any country. The conducted studies indicate that with 33 million and 200 thousand users, equivalent to 43% of the total population, Iran has the thirteenth place of Internet users is in the world and is among 20 countries which have a lot of internet users. It is in the first rank of Internet users among the countries of West Asia (Middle East). Several questions have occupied the human mind due to the existence of this uninvited guest. Given that the young people and adolescences are the major ones hosting this uninvited guest in our community, and with regard to the psychological and social characteristics of this identity-seeking and modernist class, it is essential and challenging to identify the consequences of cyberspace in value- belief system of country. The confusion in national identity is another consequence of cyberspace. The high speed of changes in developing communities and its complications along with the emergence of new identity-building sources such as the cyberspace lead to the value conflict, the sense of relative deprivation and social dissatisfaction which ultimately weaken the tendency towards the national identity. The results of numerous studies indicate the emergence of new challenges and losses in the Iranian national identity in recent hundred years, so that some researchers have considered it as the identity crisis. Given the above-mentioned cases, what is the mission of education system as the most comprehensive institution to existing challenge? Through an analytical approach based on the perspective of Islamic education and the utilization of library studies, this article is seeking to respond to this essential question.

کلید واژگان :

Cyberspace, Religious Education, Value, Philosophy, Islam

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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