Abstract Wild rodents were collected using live snap traps in pistachio gardens of Kerman Province, Southeast Iran from 2007 to 2009, then some physiological parameters of them were measured.The sampl mpl mpl es were identified as follow: Nesokia indica, Meriones persicus, Meriones lybicus and Tatera indica. Blood samples were obtained from the heart, then the blood parameters (glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, total protein, HDL,L, red and white blood cell number) in wild species of rodents and labor or atory ory ory rat were comp omp omp ared. d. The resul sul sul ts show show show show ed that there were no significant differences in serum rum rum glu glu cos os e, trigly gly gly ceride, HDL and total protein levels among different experimental groups. The concentration of cholesterol in T. indica was more than that in N. indica (P < 0.01). The total numbers of red blood cells also showed significant difference between wild garden rodent species and laboratory rat (P < 0.01), while the number of white blood cells showed no significant difference. Tab 1, Ref 33.
کلید واژگان :rodents; hematological parameter; biochemical parameter; pistachio garden; Kerman Province, Iran
ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
با پرداخت الکترونیک
جزئیات مقاله
- کد شناسه : 2142537181519241
- سال انتشار : 2011
- نوع مقاله : پذیرفته شده در سایر مجلات علمی معتبر و علمی مروری و ISC
- زبان : انگلیسی
- محل پذیرش : Chinese Journal of Applied Environmental Biology
- برگزار کنندگان :
- ISSN : 1006-687X
- تاریخ ثبت : 1393/12/12 12:06:55
- ثبت کننده : حاجی محمد تکلوزاده
- تعداد بازدید : 333
- تعداد فروش : 0