چکیده :

Introduction: Information literacy(IL) is a set of abilities requiring individuals to identify when information is needed and have the competency to locate, evaluate, and use efficiently the required information. The very aim of this study is to recognize to what extend the medical and paramedical post graduate students and faculty members are able to use the variety of information resources. The study was done in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences (Iran) from October to December 2012. Methods and Materials: This study used the descriptive analytical method. The participants of this study were 80 faculty members and 80 postgraduate medical and paramedical students who referred to central library of university within the first two weeks of October (beginning of school year) for information seeking. All of participants in the study were selected. Dates were gathered through distribution of a standard questionnaire of information literacy. Data were analyzed through SPSS/16 and one way ANOVA Independent t-test were applied. Result: Information Literacy Competency was classified in three levels: Low, Moderate, and High. According to the results the majority of faculty members had moderate Information Literacy Level (%51), the minority of them had high Information Literacy Level (11.8%). And Information Literacy Level of majority of students was in moderate (%57) . The result indicated that students have higher information literacy than faculty members. (T=0.015). Discussion and Conclusion: Information literacy Competency of faculty members and university students was moderate to low and Information literacy competency of students were higher than faculty members.

کلید واژگان :

Information literacy, Faculty members, Postgraduate education, Medical Science Students , Paramedical students

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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