چکیده :

Emotional intelligence or the fit between intrapersonal and interpersonal dimensions remains a key topic of concern among managers and employees worldwide. The most significant contribution of this research is the discovery the dimensions of intrapersonal and interpersonal that related to emotional intelligence and also emotional intelligence impact communication effectiveness with strategic information systems planning (SISP) serving as a moderator of this relationship within organizations of Iran. Little research to date has examined how emotional intelligence influences manager-employee communication effectiveness. Building on top of emotional intelligence theory, this paper explores how emotional intelligence manager is influenced by intrapersonal, interpersonal, strategic information systems planning (SISP) and communication effectiveness between managers and employees. Communication effectiveness was also a strong predictor of managers and employees performance, and furthermore acted as a dependent variable on performance. Additionally, according to literature on business area and logical arguments we proposed that strategic information systems planning (SISP) can moderators the link between emotional intelligence and communication effectiveness. The respondents consist of 168 form educational administrations and Agriculture Bank of Iran. The method that used to maintain the emotional intelligence, communication effectiveness and SISP: Kendall’s coefficient of concordance and the analysis of variance by Kruskall-Wallis. Results indicate emotional intelligence can impact communication effectiveness and also SISP can moderate relationship between emotional intelligence and communication effectively. Also, studies resultsemphasize the need for organizations to use SISP to consistently monitor the relationshipbetween emotional intelligence and communication effectiveness. In contrast, high emotional intelligence of managers and employees can influence communication effectiveness in current study.

کلید واژگان :

Emotional Intelligence, Communication Effectiveness, Intrapersonal, Interpersonal, Strategic Information Systems Planning (SISP).

ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
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