Omar Khayyam, a philosopher, mathematician, astronomer, and scientist, is one of the intellectuals whose arguments and insights traveled beyond the borders of Persia and profoundly influenced the literature and cultures of many other countries over the years. The Eastern-inspired quatrains' meanings, contexts, and messages were subjected to unrestrained interpretations and distortions, dramatically impacting Khayyam's reputation. Although scholars debated the non-uniformity of the quatrains and cast doubt concerning the attributions to Khayyam, FitzGerald picked up a few poems from hundreds of quatrains, and his rendering of selected quatrains became more accountable for the related phenomenological diversions. Afterward, by utilizing techniques such as adding, subtracting, and incorporating a few quatrains into one, he developed a compilation that, on the one hand, became a seasoning for Western readers and, on the other hand, threatened the spiritual, scientific, and cultural context of Khayyam. Thus, biased interpretations by FitzGerald resulted in a series that reflected controversial schools, including materialism, hedonism, agnosticism, determinism, nihilism, and skepticism. This article illustrates the inauthenticity regarding the attribution and interpretation of quatrains by applying a few quatrains as examples of the collections, as well as the fact that none of the extracted schools are consistent with Khayyam's philosophy and thought. Additionally, the primary quatrains credited to Khayyam adopt a mystical and Sufi perspective.
کلید واژگان :Omar Khayyam, Rubaiyyat, Quatrains, FitzGerald, Philosophical Schools, Ideological Manipulation
ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
با پرداخت الکترونیک
جزئیات مقاله
- کد شناسه : 3173852364055640
- سال انتشار : 2022
- نوع مقاله : پذیرفته شده در سایر مجلات علمی معتبر و علمی مروری و ISC
- زبان : انگلیسی
- محل پذیرش : Çekmece Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
- برگزار کنندگان :
- ISSN : e-ISSN 2757-9530
- تاریخ ثبت : 1403/11/14 22:44:00
- ثبت کننده : نایب قدرت گوجار
- تعداد بازدید : 29
- تعداد فروش : 0