چکیده :

Background: For effective implementation of HIV-related behavioral interventions,better understanding the demographic characteristics of infected patients in rela-tion with high-risk behavior profiles, physical and mental health are essential.Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive study, 400 HIV infected patients fromDecember 2011 through January 2013 were evaluated regarding their demographicfeatures, and four selected subscales (high-risk behaviors, self-efficacy, well-being,and social participation). A validated questionnaire of 62 items was used for assess-ment.Results: Almost 33% of all participants were women, 28% were younger than 30years old, and 43% were never married; 50% had no permanent jobs. Women, wid-owed participants, patients <30 years, and those with higher educational levels hadhigher mean HIV risk behavior scores. In simple and multiple linear regression models,women >50 years and <30 years had the highest scores (ˇ = 2.714, p < 0.0001; ˇ = 2.00,p < 0.001). Furthermore, male and illiterate patients had higher social participationscores while female and divorced participants had higher well-being and self-efficacyscores.Conclusion: We propose that demographic features play a critical role in increas-ing engagement in HIV-related high-risk behaviors; these characteristics also affectpatients’ social participation, well-being and self-efficacy. High-risk behaviors andsocial participation scores among women of different age groups and the youthhighlight the need for future age and gender-specific educational and behavioralinterventions among them.

کلید واژگان :

Demographics;Sexual;Behavior;HIV;Psychosocial factors

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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