چکیده :

In this paper, a phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC) e thermally regenerative electro-chemical cycle (TREC) hybrid system is investigated in terms of the different parameters including ecological function for different temperatures. Low temperature heat obtained by the PAFC is used by the TREC to generate electricity as a secondary power generator. Ecological function is applied to design an environmentally friendly hybrid system. Results are obtained numerically and an ecologically friendly operation range is attempted to determine for the considered system. According to results, the maximum power of the hybrid system is 885.60Wat 150 C, 935.07Wat 180 C, 949.07Wat 200 C and the maximum ecological function is equal to 373.85Wat 150 C, 431.63Wat 180 C and 439.02Wat 200 C and finally, the maximum efficiency is 0.754 at 150 C, 0.780 at 180 C and 0.784 at 200 C. Finally, it is recommended that current density should be chosen between the current density at the maximum ecological function and current density at the maximum efficiency for a more efficient system.

کلید واژگان :

Phosphoric acid fuel cell ;Thermally regenerative electro-chemical cycle ;Ecological function

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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