چکیده :

l'hl: biological activity of the rl:combinant growth hormone (GIll s)'nthesiled in The National Researeh Center l'or Genetic Engineering and Biotcchnology (NRCGEB) \Vas evaluated in vivo. In this regard a hypophysectomized rat modcl was required. Using a para pharyngeal approach. the sphenoid bone of rats \Vas drilled and the hypophysis was out succcssfully by aspiration. Following a 7-day rccovery period. rats \Vere in je ct cd suhculaneously cithcr \Vith the recombinanl human GH or the Novo. as standard. The resulls show lhal both hormones havc an equal hilliogicai aClivit) and resulled in a 100% growlh incrcmcnl equal to that in untrealed inlact rats indicaling Ihat Ihe recombinant GII can be introduccd as a good replacemcnt of endogenous GIf.

کلید واژگان :

recombinant human growth hormone, hypophysectomy, rat

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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