Abstract: Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Balkhi Rumi's works are the most famous works of human history that it enforces man to run and it is guidance for a better understanding of life and the universe. Emily Dickinson and her works are very prominent in English literature and many readers are eager to read his works.Dickinson , Professor Elahi Ghomshi has introduced daughter of Rumi. In this study, the effects of these two thinkers and with documentary and the implication of all the elements is taken .In this study, the sights of Jalaluddin Mohammad Balkhi and Emily Dickinson about: hope, prayer, time, God and munificence is explored and it shows that despite many differences, including time, religion, country and so on. Rumi and Dickinson have similar idea and prominent and noticeable thought.
کلید واژگان :Maulana, Dickinson, hope, God, time, Munificence
ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
با پرداخت الکترونیک
جزئیات مقاله
- کد شناسه : 3143643825788164
- سال انتشار : 2014
- نوع مقاله : پذیرفته شده در سایر مجلات علمی معتبر و علمی مروری و ISC
- زبان : انگلیسی
- محل پذیرش : American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences
- برگزار کنندگان :
- ISSN : 2328-3734
- تاریخ ثبت : 1394/04/18 15:07:37
- ثبت کننده : زهرا احمدی
- تعداد بازدید : 279
- تعداد فروش : 0