چکیده :

The European Union (EU) along with the Security Council (SC) has imposed sanctions on Iran over the controversies around Iranian nuclear program. A review of the literature on the implementation of international sanctions against I.R. Iran shows that with passing time and disagreement between negotiating parties, the toughening and broadening of scope and focus of sanction has taken place and general economic sanctions have given way to more targeted and comprehensive sanctions with broader coalitions and integrated cooperation amongst sanctioning parties. In this paper, implications of international sanctions, particularly those of EU on transportation and shipping related to the Iranian government in the Persian Gulf and the Oman Sea are discussed and potential impacts are identified. Chronological review of available and published documents on sanctions related to Iran’s right to explore its nuclear rights identified six characteristics which are discussed in detail. It is concluded, that impacts of sanctions, if not immediately, are manifested over time. Although, many aspects of sanctions affect shipping sector of Iran, whether designated sanction objectives are achieved, is questionable and results in case of shipping and transportation sectors of Iran is yet to be fully recognized and documented.

کلید واژگان :

Targeted international sanctions, UN Security Council Resolutions, EU sanctions, Shipping, Commerce, Transportation

ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
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