چکیده :

Creating knowledge intensive systems seems to be inevitable in modern enterprises. More autonomous systems would be dominating nearly all aspects of the organization from management to production, from marketing to supplier management. Since required autonomy can only be assured through effective automated knowledge management systems including agent based approaches, it is advisable to employ integrated information systems such as SERM (Strategic Enterprise Resource Management) together with active knowledge management models such as EKMM (Enterprise Knowledge Management Model) as well respective supporting systems in order to be intelligent enough in own operations. This study will highlight possible benefits and advantageous in creating SERM supported by EKMM in an integrated manner. SERM is capable of handling corporate level strategic planning, traditional ERP systems, technology management, CRM as well as performance monitoring. EKMM on the other hand is designed to handle the corporate knowledge in a systematic ways in order to assure that the right knowledge becomes available to the right person at the right time. Based on research topic, surveying effects all critical factors of Enterprise Knowledge Management Models on SERM are very difficult and longtime which according to various observations, among a large number of critical factors of EKMM, nine factors that are common factors (as independent variables) are chosen and their effect on Strategic Enterprise Resource Management (as the dependent variable) is studied. After determination and confirmation of the indexes that related with independent and dependent variables by experts, prepared questionnaire was distributed in the statistical sample. With statistical analysis on the collected data, determined when the relationship between independent and dependent variables as individual and no interaction factors are analyzed together, all nine critical factors of EKMM influence positively on SERM , but when the interaction of critical factors of EKMM together, and the impact of independent variables on dependent variable is analyzed, only two factors, Knowledge Management strategies and Knowledge planning have a positive and significant relationship with the dependent variable.

کلید واژگان :

Knowledge Management; Enterprise Knowledge Management Model; Strategic Enterprise Resource Management

ارزش ریالی : 600000 ریال
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