Since their creation, human beings have learned and been taught. Learning has always been accompanied by various techniques and mechanisms used by teachers. The two most important techniques are rewards and punishment, which are critical aspects of human life especially in education. This paper aims to investigate the impact of reward and punishment in education and consequently learning. Furthermore, a number of topics in the field of learning are discussed including types of learning, the meaning and definitions of reward and punishment, types of reward and punishment, different extremes in using the techniques, the reason for discouraging punishment. Moreover, field studies on the topic in Iran and other countries in different time periods are reviewed. Finally, various results as well as theories pertaining to reward and punishment are summarized.
کلید واژگان :Learning, reward, punishment, desirable behavior, undesirable behavior
ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
با پرداخت الکترونیک
جزئیات مقاله
- کد شناسه : 2151187981678121
- سال انتشار : 2016
- نوع مقاله : پذیرفته شده در سایر مجلات علمی معتبر و علمی مروری و ISC
- زبان : انگلیسی
- محل پذیرش : International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research
- برگزار کنندگان :
- ISSN : 0976-2612
- تاریخ ثبت : 1396/09/07 18:06:56
- ثبت کننده : احمدرضا فتاحیان کلیشادرخی
- تعداد بازدید : 227
- تعداد فروش : 0