چکیده :

Encrypted data cannot ensure full immunity especially in anonymous applications, Even though it protect data by encryption methods. On the other side, we encounter with a set of huge processing units that can reveal data pattern through Internet frameworks. Although intruders are not able to break encrypted layers of data, still they can concentrate on the nature of the transmitted data. In the other hand, set of sent packages that have the same features, have been considered as a victim. As an example of this vulnerability, anonymous applications like Tor can be detected by their data pattern. In this paper an anti-detection mechanism has been proposed. This framework uses a crypto-type system for data pattern generation. Also a stochastic algorithm is responsible for timely propagation of the data. The entire system has been performed on an anonymous data pattern that is responsible for data exchange through the Internet. The results indicate that detection of the suggested pattern is very hard and with a high assurance, it can be applicable through Internet framework. The cryptographic type system has been formed under lattice-based quantum resistant techniques. It is highly recommended for anonymous applications and online private data exchange like e-banking.

کلید واژگان :

Anti-detection data pattern, Anonymous Data, Crypto-Type system, Lattice cryptography, Internet Tracking

ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
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