چکیده :

Vital role of exporting to the world and countless benefits of export for firms and countries cause the increasing attention to the determinants of firm export performance. However, despite numerous published works on determinants of firm export performance, the literatures are characterized by the inaccuracy in measurement of export performance determinants that led to inconsistent and opposing findings. The future research should attention the previous problems in evaluating determinants of firm export performance to facilitate theory development. This paper evaluates many studies concerning measurement of export performance determinants. This study organized into two sections: first, recognition the determinants of export performance that led to confuse and conflicting findings. Second, methods to evaluate export performance determinants are analyzed. In the end, the finding is discussed and direction for future research is mentioned.

کلید واژگان :

Determinants, Export performance, Internal factor, External factor, Export marketing strategy

ارزش ریالی : 300000 ریال
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