نمایش / عدم نمایش بخش جستجو

Factors Affecting the Academic Improvement of Accounting Students in Islamic Azad University of Yazd 1395/03/10 08:38:54

نویسندگان : Shahnaz Nayebzadeh Mahmoud MoeinAddin Mohammad Mirmohammadi Sadrabadi
زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2013 محل پذیرش : International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

A Survey on Money Laundering and the Countermeasures of the Islamic Republic of Iran Against it 1394/05/02 13:31:03

نویسندگان : Seyed Valiollah MIRHOSSEINI
زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2012 محل پذیرش : International Journal of Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences

Investigating the Effect of Human Resources Management and Intellectual Capital on the Organizational Performance (Kermanshah Physical Education organization as a Case Study) 1393/10/02 04:30:35

نویسندگان : محمد باقر فلاحی امید بهارستان
زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2014 محل پذیرش : Academic Research in Economics and Management Sciences