Dynamic capabilities in media management research. A literature review 1399/11/15 01:40:28
نویسندگان : Paul Clemens Murschetz Afshin Omidi John J. Oliver Mahyar Kamali Saraji Sameera Javedزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : Journal of Strategy and Management

Evaluation of Virtual Point Detector for High Purity Germanium (Hpge) Detector, using Monte Carlo Simulations, and Artificial -Neural Networks 1399/11/15 00:20:27
نویسندگان : Sedigheh Sina Zahra Molaeimanesh Mehrnoosh Karimipoorfard Zeinab Shafahi Maryam Papie Mohammad Amin Nazari Jahromiزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : Scientific Research Journal, Vol. 17, No.1, pp. 15-26, 2020

Comparison of TSVD, MTSVD, and Tikhonov unfolding methods for reconstruction of X-ray spectra 1399/11/14 23:48:56
نویسندگان : Zeinab Shafahi Sedigheh Sina Reza Faghihiزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : Radiation Physics and Chemistry 166 (2020) 108437

Analysis and Modeling of Corruption among Entrepreneurs 1399/11/06 04:42:40
نویسندگان : Zhou Xiaohu Mohammad Heydari Kin Keung Lai Zheng Yuxiزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : REICE-REVISTA ELECTRONICA DE INVESTIGACION EN CIENCIAS ECONOMICAS

Investigating the Epidemiological Prevalence of Diabetes in Afghanistan from 2015 to 2019 1399/10/28 13:53:13
نویسندگان : Shokreya Ehsani Pouriya Darabiyan Kourosh Zarea Saeed Ghanbari Aseya Temoriزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine

The Incidence of Skin Allergy Testing Antivenom and its Related Factors in Behbahan 1399/10/28 13:49:30
نویسندگان : Alireza Rafi Keyvan Mousavi Atefe Etebari Narjes Davoudi Pouriya Darabiyan Mohamad Sabaghanزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Research in Medical and Health Sciences

Study of Test Anxiety and Its Related Factors in Students of Behbahan Faculty of Medical Sciences in 2018 1399/10/28 13:46:15
نویسندگان : Alireza Rafi Pouriya Darabiyan Mastore Mohammad Zade Parisa Eskandari Zeinab Shajiratزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Research in Medical and Health Sciences

Evaluation of Self-Medication and Related Factors in Clients of Health Centers in Behbahan in 2019 1399/10/28 13:42:47
نویسندگان : Pouriya Darabiyan Alireza Rafi Parisa Eskandari Zahra Sokhansanj Zeinab Shajiratزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Research in Medical and Health Sciences

Evaluation of Nursing stress and its effective factors in nurses of Shahidzadeh Hospital in Behbahan in 2019: Challenges in Nursing 1399/10/28 11:52:00
نویسندگان : Alireza Rafi Azita Bandani SimaSadat Ghaemi Zade Pouriya Darabiyan Zeinab Jamshidi Mina Hasanzadeh Nasrin Kheibarزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine

Explaining the role and relationship between spiritual intelligence and hidden anxiety and test anxiety in students: Application of path analysis 1399/10/28 11:44:10
نویسندگان : Pouriya Darabiyan Saeed Ghanbari Hajar Sadeghi Zeinab Jamshidi Fereshteh Hadi SimaSadat Ghaemi Zade Alireza Rafi Shahram Molavynejadزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Journal of Ayurvedic Medicine

Compensating and Enhancing Voltage Quality in Electrical Distribution Systems Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer Based on Synchronous Reference Frame Theory 1399/10/23 22:35:47
نویسندگان : Hamid Karimi Mohsen Simab Mehdi Nafarزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : Signal Processing and Renewable Energy (SPRE), Vol. 4, Issue 2, PP. 53-72, Spring 2020

Enhancement of Power Quality Utilizing Photovoltaic fed D-STATCOM Based on Zig-Zag Transformer and Fuzzy Controller 1399/10/23 22:19:42
نویسندگان : Hamid Karimi Mohsen Simab Mehdi Nafarزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Journal of Science and Technology (SCIENTIA IRANICA), Transactions on Computer Science & Engineering and Electrica

Compensation of Voltage Sag and Voltage Interruption Using DVR-PV Based on Fuzzy-Adaptive Controller 1399/10/23 22:09:33
نویسندگان : Hamid Karimi Mohsen Simab Mehdi Nafarزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Vol. 30, Issue6, e12376, June 2020, DOI: 10.1002/2050-7038.12376

The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Competitive Advantage with the Mediating Role of Dynamic Marketing Capabilities (Case Study: Adidas Brand) 1399/10/23 19:27:36
نویسندگان : Mohammad Pourshojaei Jahromi Somayeh Taromi NejadShirazi Mehrnoush Pourmoghaddam Mohammadmehdi Bazrafkanزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC)

Use of structured knowledge processes in order to improve innovation in business model with mediating the role of organizational agility in small and medium businesses in Iran 1399/10/23 19:09:50
نویسندگان : Somayeh Taromi NejadShirazi Mehrnoush Pourmoghaddam Mohammadmehdi Bazrafkan Mohammad Pourshojaei Jahromiزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Journal of Latest Engineering Research and Applications ( IJLERA)

Customer Hope and Its Impact on Improving the Consequences of Customer Relationship with the Brand: The Role of Customer Achievement 1399/10/23 18:38:04
نویسندگان : Mohammadmehdi Bazrafkan Mohammad Pourshojaei Jahromi Somayeh Taromi NejadShirazi Mehrnoush Pourmoghaddamزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : International Research Journal of Advanced Engineering and Science

The effect of innovation components on organisational performance: case of the governorate of Golestan Province 1399/10/23 14:29:30
نویسندگان : مهدی تاج پور الهه حسینی آیدین سلام زادهزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : Int. J. Public Sector Performance Management

The impact of entrepreneurial skills on manager’s job performance 1399/10/23 14:23:28
نویسندگان : الهه حسینی مهدی تاج پور مریم لشکر بلوکیزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : Int. J. Hum. Capital Urban Manage

Reliability-based Design Optimization of I-Shape Simple Steel Beam 1399/10/20 10:27:56
نویسندگان : سعید سرودلیر محمد بفکینزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : 3rd .International Congress on Science and Engineering

Prostate cancer and human papillomavirus infection: a recent literature review 1399/10/16 16:20:40
نویسندگان : Samira Mahmoudi Abolfazl Jafari-Sales Rozita Nasiri Hossein Baghi Bannazadehdزبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2020 محل پذیرش : Reviews in Medical Microbiology
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