نمایش / عدم نمایش بخش جستجو

Users’ Value Perceptions of New Communication Technologies and Their Willingness to Pay: A Case Study of Mobile Banking 1394/08/23 09:21:20

نویسندگان : Behzad Hassannezhad Kashani Akbar Nasrollahi Kasmani
زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2015 محل پذیرش : Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Self-Scheduling of Wind Power Generation with Direct Load Control Demand Response as a Virtual Power Plant 1394/06/28 15:51:35

زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2013 محل پذیرش : Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Fiber dimensions, physical and mechanical properties of five important hardwood plants 1394/03/27 19:26:08

نویسندگان : MAJID KIAEI Ahmad Samariha
زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2011 محل پذیرش : Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Anatomical structural differences between branch and trunk in Ailanthus altissima wood 1394/03/27 19:22:57

نویسندگان : Ahmad Samariha MAJID KIAEI Mohammad Talaeipour Mohammad Nemati
زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2011 محل پذیرش : Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Technological dimension of Customer Relationship Management’ Indian Journal of Science and Technology 1394/02/29 05:17:59

نویسندگان : Gholam Reza Hashemzadeh Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Khaksar Khaled Nawaser Asghar Afshar Jahanshahi
زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2011 محل پذیرش : Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Comprehensive Model of Mobile Government in Iran 1394/02/29 04:49:39

نویسندگان : Asghar Afshar Jahanshahi Seyed Mohammad Sadegh Khaksar NOUR-MOHAMMAD YAGHOUBI Khaled Nawaser
زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2011 محل پذیرش : Indian Journal of Science and Technology

Differential Impact of Web Technology on Various Dimensions of Students’ Academic and Non- Academic Activities (a Case Study) 1393/10/29 00:58:10

نویسندگان : Rozita Jamili Oskouei Mohsen Askari Phani Rajendra Prasad Sajja
زبان : انگلیسی سال انتشار : 2013 محل پذیرش : Indian Journal of Science and Technology